We have snow! I know that many parts of UK are suffering from snow at the moment, but I just thought I'd say that we have some too!

It's stopping me from getting into the dyehouse at the moment, which I am not happy about as I have work to do and experiments to play with! The dyehouse is the big building with the garage door - that's the yarn house and next door hidden by the van is the cloth house, however the water has had to be turned off as it's freezing in there and we can't afford to deal with burst pipes! temperatures have been down to -10 at night and not above freezing during the day. I guess you could say that winter has finally arrived!

Yesterday you could see our road - the view is across the front of our house looking towards open fields, we have shelter around our corner and then it's just open plateau with the wind blowing the snow in drifts across the fields.

This morning we woke up to even more snow - it had been falling all night and is still falling now, in fact the forecasts say that we can expect it until Tuesday at least with the temperatures not coming above freezing til Thursday or Friday, and then only during the day! (this view of the road is looking the other way into the village, you can barely make the road out now and the snow plough has been down once this morning!)
On a positive side I am sitting here on my computer working! Apart from writing this post I am designing new labels for all my dyes and learning lots of things - I know I need to, but this is making me get on and do it!
HURRAH for the snow, maybe I'll get to sort out an online shop eventually!!!