Monday 15 February 2010

R.I.P. Blarty

I have had no internet access for about 2 weeks, so feel very behind the times, added to which moving home has been even more stressful and difficult than first imagined. We are nearly moved - but the goalpost keeps moving further away, so I'll believe it when I'm unpacking boxes!

The worst thing of all though was yesterday.

We had luckily found a fantastic home for Blarty to move to, with a friend from the Ruthin Knitting Group (do go if you're in our area and have the opportunity- it's a fabulous, friendly group). Sian already has some sheep of advancing age and they sound so well cared for that she would have made Blarty forget me very quickly!

We arranged to move him yesterday, so went to the field that he has been in for the past 2 weeks, adjacent to his own field, which is now occupied by the new tenants horses. He came out of the gate quite happily, following the bucket as he normally does, but his usual route was back to his own field in front of the house, so he took it - running away from me and straight down to that gate. We had to get permission to follow and by the time we got there we realized the gate was wide open and Blarty had run in. The horses were behind electric fencing, which sheep don't seem to notice, so he went for his favorite spot by the hedge - the horses did not approve and did not let him get there.

I cannot describe how horrid it all was, Blarty was rushed to the vets in a very bad state and the vet said that the best thing was to put him to sleep, so that is what happened. Sian was fantastic and I cannot thank her enough - she phoned and offered to nurse him if the vet could do anything, but his injuries were just too great.

Rest In Peace, my larger than most woolly friend!
(photo taken about 3 weeks ago)


Helen said...

Debbie what a sad story and what a shame.

Joei Rhode Island said...

I'm so sorry you have lost your tender friend.

Dorothy said...

What an awful, sad end for Blarty. I'm very sorry you lost him like this instead of seeing him happy in a new home with other sheep.

Debbie said...

Thank you all - I don't think the vet had seen 2 people in floods of tears over a sheep before!

Willington Weaver said...

Hi Deb

I was just thinking about you and thought I'd check out your blog to see how your move is going.

What an awful thing to happen, I'm so sorry. It's such a sad end to a happy life with you.

madewithloops said...

My dearest Deb,
I was kept up to speed with this sad story and cannot believe it.
If you are still around, let's meet for coffee.
Hugs from me xx

Margreet said...

Debbie, so sorry to read about this sad story. Just no words for it.
Hope your move goes well though!

Anonymous said...

It was very sad that it ended up this way...