I feel I have abandoned the blog, twitter and facebook - and in a way I have! Whilst working away in August we had a phone call from our neighbour in France to tell us that we had had a burglary. We dashed home to find doors and shutters destroyed - whoever wanted to get into our house was not going to be stopped. The place was a mess and quite a lot has gone. Lots of really precious personal things - of course they have no value to anyone else.....but........
I have gone into a strange vacuum - I am reluctant to put anything on the web - where I am, what I am doing, anything really. The Gendarmes think that whoever it was had been watching the house to see when we were away - do they watch the websites too? Someone has been trying to hack into my facebook account.........
I will get back to writing, but for now I am licking my wounds, dealing with officialdom and re - assessing how things are publicised.
Hope you will forgive me!
Orchil, Leeds and Yorkshire Chemicals
5 months ago