Today has been quite efficient - well for me! I mastered getting my flickr account linked to my Ravelry profile, which seemed quite a challenge at the time, but ended up being quite simple (one day I guess it will all seem less frightening!)
I also managed to get some alpaca sock yarn hanked up ready for the Knit Camp next

week - still lots to do, but I thought I'd let you have a preview of th

e colours now!
The names of the yarns will as usual be the dyes that have coloured them and I can assure you that any that include indigo will have no rub off, I offer an immediate exchange if there is any problem with yarns that have been dyed with indigo and leave blue on your hands when knitting (or crocheting or..) and of course if you want to pre-order............!

I have an exclusive pattern for this yarn designed by
Cecilia Hewett who is a member o

f the
Woolclip and

also one of the organisers of Woolfest, the pattern is fab and I'm told it's quite simple to do (no I haven't tried it yet, I have a thing about knitting!)
What I can tell you is that it is lovely to crochet with - I have dseigned a cover for my iPhone, very simple, but works a treat! The back has a pouch to hold the cable or earphones and the phone fits snugly

inside! The yarn is so soft and non scratchy it even cleans the face of the phone getting it in and out!