Thanks very much for all the lovely comments - can't wait to get started and invite you all to come and run workshops etc!!! It's looking stunning here at the moment with all the autumn colours and is still OK temperature wise! (Not even had enough rain to fill my containers so I can try to do colour matching!)
I have the Mairie looking into the local "gites" and "chambres d'hotes" (sorry need a hat on the o but can't find one at the moment!!) so we know what the facilities are like and all being well there should be some accommodation available on site too!
Last year some very dear friends spent the winter in Portugal looking to buy some land and put log cabins there - they knew we had one already so the brought us back a present of these tiles - aren't they beautiful? We just have to use them as a logo for the workshops and courses I think!
They look fabulous in situ too!
On Saturday I am having an exciting and scary day! I am going to London on the Eurostar - day return from Calais, to attend the Knitting History Forum AGM and Conference. For my sins I am on the committee and also one of the speakers. That is the really scary bit - the other speakers are real heroes of mine - Susan North from the V and A, Philip Sykas from MMU and Dr Carol Christainssen from Shetland. Quite where I fit in I'm not sure, but if you're likely to be attending I think I would appreciate some moral support!!!!
The Knitting History Forum was set up to continue the work started by Montse Stanley and Kirstie Buckland in promoting the history and research into early knitting, we have had fabulous trips to the back rooms of the Museum of London and Ruddington Museum, if you do have any interest in knitting it's well worth joining!
Hope to see some friends there!
Orchil, Leeds and Yorkshire Chemicals
5 months ago
Wow Debbie that sounds fantastic. And I am sure you will do very well.
you rlittle lodge is just wonderfully cozy. I love it!
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