Wednesday 1 April 2009

Pretty fibres

As promised here are a couple of pictures from todays dyeing. The results I have to say I am very pleased with - a lovely scarlet colour from the cochineal and a more crimson colour from the sticklac.

The recipes were quite straightforward really, I enjoyed them - the sticklac was really good, although I weighed out the 50g I obviously have much less a pecentage of red dyestuff to the amount of shellac left behind. Gosta Sandberg in his book The Red Dyes says that there is approximately 6% red colouring in sticklac as opposed to the amount you have if you use the already extracted powder - but I don't think that is really telling me what percentage dye I am actually using!

The cochineal we already know gives a very high yield of colour, for this recipe I used 13% dyestuff to the weight of fibres, normally I only use about 10%.

Now what colours shall I do tomorrow?


Helen said...

Fabulous colours Debbie. Congratulations too on a brilliant start to your blog.

Leigh said...

I didn't realize you had a blog! Welcome to the fiber blogosphere!

Debbie said...

Thanks very much Helen and Leigh! I'm finding it hard to keep up with everything, but I really wanted to do this, so I'm trying to make the effort!!