I had to come to North Wales after Wonderwool - dental appointments and things to sort still. As it turns out our Fourtrak has a broken clutch cable and is in the garage and I have to stay here until next Tuesday to have stitches out in my mouth!
Plans always seem to have to change at the moment - but we're getting there! I am writing this, just to say sorry I won't be home to post any news over the weekend and how great to see people at Wonderwool! We had a great time and caught up with lots of people we haven't seen in ages. Thanks to everyone that dropped by the stall it was a fun weekend!
We will be heading back to France next Wednesday so hopefully more news after I get back, we are supposed to be at home for all of May, hopefully I'll have the dyehouse and cloth house sorted by the end of the month and will have lots of time to experiment. I may be stuck here, but plans and ideas are forming!
Orchil, Leeds and Yorkshire Chemicals
5 months ago